Summer Haiku

Because I’m avoiding computers on sunny days but still have words swirling in my head

It’s not redundant,
putting butter on croissants;
it’s just heavenly.

Patio cocktails:
lilac champagne fills a flute,
Cardinal Man sings jazz.

Sometimes, I just sit
Watch, Dream, Hope, Pray, Learn, Think, Breathe:
Inhale, Exhale, Peace.

Strawberries all red,
Juicy sweet to start summer;
My mouth knows heaven.


Baseball tournament
Three games, one hot July day
Dust rises everywhere.

Game One: four innings
Claimed victory easily.
Mercy rule: Game Won.

Game Two: new diamond
Sweat, dirt, heart, hits, runs, strength - TEAM
Rise like a Phoenix.

Game Three: four innings
Heartache befell all early.
Mercy rule: game lost.


Restorative Practices


Human Family